Fire Safety Instruction Signs

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Showing products 1 to 17 of 17
(5067) This door must be kept closed sign
(5110) Jalite Keep clear sign
(5123) Jalite Close this door at night sign
(5124) Jalite Close these doors at night sign
(5129) Jalite Escape route keep clear at all times
(5140) Jalite Fire door keep locked shut sign
(5141) Automatic fire door keep clear sign
(5190) Jalite Fire escape keep clear
(5421) Fire door keep shut sign
(5257) Jalite Fire exit keep clear sign
(5424) Jalite Keep locked shut when not in use sign
(5480)  Security notice. This door is alarmed
(5485) Jalite Escape route keep clear

Are you a school, hospital or council? Email for a 30 day account.

If you cannot find the precise sign you are looking for please contact us on or (Hades Fire Protection) 01795 506315, as being an authorised Jalite Distributor, we are able to have specific orders created, and sometimes carry back stock of dis-continued signs.

Please note that some signs may be available in various sizes and materials. Select which options best meet your requirements using the drop down menu when ordering.