Emergency Door Signs

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Showing products 1 to 15 of 15
(4249) Jalite Handle up Clockwise to open door sign
(4250) Jalite Handle up Anti-Clockwise to Open door sign
(4251) Jalite Handle Down Clockwise to Open door sign
(4461) Jalite Turn knob right to Open door sign
(4462) Jalite Turn knob left to Open door sign
(4658) Emergency Door Release sign
(4273) Jalite Push pad to Open door sign
(4525) Jalite Push button to Exit door sign
(4775) Jalite Push fire door sign
(4776) Jalite Pull fire door sign
(4226) Jalite Push to Open sign
(4227) Jalite Pull to Open sign
(4304) Jalite Push Bar to Open Sign

Are you a school, hospital or council? Email sales@valuealarms.com for a 30 day account.

If you cannot find the precise sign you are looking for please contact us on sales@valuealarms.com or (Hades Fire Protection) 01795 506315, as being an authorised Jalite Distributor, we are able to have specific orders created, and sometimes carry back stock of dis-continued signs.

Please note that some signs may be available in various sizes and materials. Please ensure you use the drop down menus to select your requirements when ordering.